Our Writers


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We accept submissions from anyone who would like to write an article or story.  If you are just starting out or want to get more experience.  

Donald Doncaster

Donald or DD to us, is the local publican running The Swan and Duck Pub and guest house.  He writes about food and not so fine dining.

Emma Louise Doncaster

Emmie Lou is married to DD and our local Town Councillor.  She writes about events going on in Bishopsdon, from her own point of view.  Good, Bad and down right controversial. 

Thomas Andrews

Tommy is our local Business Coach and loves to inform small and medium businesses about best practice and how to improve their sales, goals and all things business.

Elizabeth Andrews

Elizabeth is our accountant and has now turned her hand to writing about finances and issues that involve accounts and money. A good person to know!

Hugh Cook

Hugh is our gardener and loves to discuss gardening matters.  Recently divorced, and it has to be said, this comes through in his writing style.  We still love him!!!

Andrew London

Andrew is our resident Tree Hugger, he has given me permission to tell you that.  He is our environmentalist and is planning a private campaign to remove all cars from our roads…

Alison Peters

Alison loves nothing better than sitting at home crafting, writing and inspiring us to be more creative.  Her articles are all about leisure activities and how to fill our time.  If we had any spare.

Jackie Foster

The editor, general dogsbody and the person who set up this online magazine.  During the day I slay dragons and at night I work on this.  

Follow Us – But not just yet!!!


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